
ICC Brasil Model of Business Franchising Contract

Based in the ICC International Model of Franchising Contract, the ICC Brasil Comercial and Practice Law Comission released The Model of Business Franchising Contract, adapted to the brazilian legal context and attending the new legal context – especially related to Law n° 13.966/2019, in effect since march 2020- able to be used and adapted in multiple business sectors in Brasil, either for the implementation of new franchise networks, or for pre-existing updating hiring.

Simple, user-friendly, flexible

International direct franchises are a rapidly expanding business instrument and make a considerable contribution to growth in various industry sectors. A lack of uniform international rules complicates matters though. The ICC Model International Franchising Contract responded to a growing need for a simple and user-friendly model contract that reflects the diversity of franchising contracts.

Explanations and Comments for an even more efficient use

This update includes a significantly expanded introduction. It provides valuable information for users on issues such as anti-trust rules and questions of laws applicable to franchises. A helpful commentary offers alternative drafting solutions adapted to more specific needs and identifies potential pitfalls.


ICC Brasil associates have 50% off.

We thank all the members of the Working Group of the Commercial Law and Practice Comission that conducted the translations e adapted of the ICC model of contract.




Year: 2022
Language: Portuguese
Price: € 62,00