World Chambers Federations
The World Chambers Federation (WCF) is a unique global network of 12,000 chambers of commerce from over 125 countries. Its mission is to offer a wide range of products and services to help chambers deliver the best possible service to their respective members.
Every two years, the WCF organizes the World Chambers Congress, one of the most awaited events on the chambers of commerce calendar.
The WCF also plays a role in representing and defending the role of chambers at a global level, promoting their role as competent bodies for the issuance and acceptance of Certificate of Origin. In particular, the WCF has launched an international accreditation system, which chambers of commerce can voluntarily adhere to. By joining the chain, the chambers agree to adopt international standards for issuing certificates of origin. In addition, the WCF also offers training and capacity building programs to support this work.

Among the other activities of the WCF are the management of the ATA Carnet system, known as the “goods passport”, which is an international customs document that allows for up to one year tax exemption for the export and import of goods. Accepted in about 80 countries, in Brazil the CNI was selected by the Federal Revenue to act as a guarantor, responsible for the issuance and control of Carnets in the country.
WCF projects and activities involve local, regional, bilateral, and transnational chambers. Any chamber associated with ICC Brasil can automatically join the WCF.
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