ICC Brasil Whistleblower Channel – MJSP

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In a joint initiative with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) to strengthen the portfolio’s complaints channel, ICC Brasil has provided direct access to the button below since 2020 so that companies and citizens can manifest themselves by reporting illegal acts committed against the administration. public service, in addition to other options, in accordance with the Law on Access to Information, the Defense Code for Users of Public Services and the Anti-Corruption Law. The tool also ensures the preservation of the anonymity of whistleblowers, in accordance with Decree No. 10,153, of December 3, 2019.

This access guarantees that the preliminary analysis of the complaint will take place within the General Ombudsman’s Office of the MJSP, so that, after this initial verification, it is forwarded to a competent and appropriate authority, continuing the investigation of the case. The General Ombudsman’s Office of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security uses the ‘Fala.BR’ system, developed by the CGU, to handle the complaints received.

The initiative is the result of the project provided for in the memorandum of understanding signed between ICC Brasil and the MJSP in 2019, within the scope of the “O Brasil Quer Mais” (BR+) campaign, with the aim of increasing transparency and providing tools to effectively combat corruption by society and the private sector, ensuring greater legal certainty for business and restoring Brazil’s credibility.

We reinforce that the manifestations made by accessing the MJSP’s whistleblowing channel, available on the ICC Brasil website, will be analyzed directly and exclusively by the Ministry’s General Ombudsman, without disclosing their content with the ICC, exempting the organization from any responsibility related to these manifestations.